44 to Raise & Align Your Vibration

Shaireen Parmar
4 min readNov 6, 2022


Well, the other day I and a bunch of my friends were invited to a party. Soon few friends from the group wanted to point out how some of the other people are a low vibe or a high vibe and how the energy at the party would be. Discussing vibrational energy has become such a deciding factor for some of us these days. I realized how common it is to talk about vibrations or the vibe as we say in short. Lets’s quickly look at what vibrational energy is and why you should care about vibrational alignment.

In This Article

This read is meant for

Anyone looking to align their vibrations to manifest the life they desire.

Anyone unaware of why vibrational energy or vibes you emit in the surroundings is important to live your best life!

What is Vibrational Energy?

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become”

– Buddha

Your vibrational energy is related to your emotional energy. As shown by quantum physics, everything in the universe is composed of singular energy. Each quantum of energy vibrates at a specific frequency of light. The total vibrations of all the cells in your body result in your own unique overall frequency.

Emotion = Energy in Motion

And, you can measure your frequency state right now! It is directly related to how you feel. The more you operate at any of the frequency states, the more attractive you become to things that also operate at those frequencies.

So, if you live in fear you will attract more fear, if you live with joy you will attract more joy. While passion is the biggest determiner of your state of flow, you are more productive, life becomes effortless and it feels like time no longer exists!

What is Vibrational Alignment?

Vibrational energy can be low and high. Being in vibrational alignment means being aligned with the energy (through your emotions) of who you are.

Certain emotions thought patterns, activities, and human connections create low vibrations like fear, depression, and sadness. Similar goes for high vibrational energy resulting in happiness, joy, optimism, and passion. Vibrational alignment is when the energy you send out into the universe is the same as the energy you wish to experience.

This can be better explained through the Emotional Guidance Scale, which consists of 22 common positive and negative emotions. Your emotions act as an indicator of the degree of vibrational alignment with which your inner self is operating at.

Most of the successful and attractive people in the world do not have any spectacular unique skills or talents that separate them from the rest of the world. They simply have very high self-esteem and are passionate about life. This unstoppable confidence and high levels of passion create emotions of a very potent life force. You feel compelled to do whatever it takes to create the life of your dreams because you know at your core that you deserve it!

How does Low Vibrational Energy affect your daily life?

If you operate in lower frequencies, you will start to lose it all. The self-esteem drops and so does passion for life. Hence, it is important to pay attention to your vibrational alignment to attract high energetic states of peace and joy. Who you are on the inside governs who you are on the outside and it directly affects the way you navigate your life.

44 Activities that help Raise & Align your Vibration

Vibrational Alignment through SOULFUL PRACTICES

Sign Up for a Breathwork Session

Sign Up for a Sound Healing Session

Get a Singing Bowl & Play it Yourself

Practice Gratitude

Follow a Morning Routine


Watch Sunsets

Sage & Cleanse your Environment Regularly

Visit a feel good Cafe or Holistic Wellbeing Center

Practice Cacao Ceremony

Go for a Retreat

Sign-up for Women or Men Circles

Compliment others when you like something about them!

Practice Mindful Shower Rituals

Visit a Farmer's Market

Get yourself flowers or house plants

Vibrational Alignment through PHYSICAL PRACTICES

Stretch on a daily!

Take Ice Baths or Cold Showers

Get in 20 mins of sun (Vitamin D) every day

Practice Yoga & Pranayama Regularly

Practice Facial Massage with a Natural Oil

Join a Hot Yoga Class

Indulge in Regular Sauna Sessions

Get yourself Tea of different flavors! or try plastic-free tea bags

Hug Yourself & others every moment!

Detox Yourself

Look into Fasting Practices

Go for a Hot Girl Walk

Include Natural Self-Care products in your Lifestyle So,

Go for Regular Massage/Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Book yourself an expensive Hammam Spa Session once a month

Practice Progressive Weight Lifting

Eat your Protein and make yummy smoothies

Vibrational Alignment through EMOTIONAL PRACTICES

Journal your goals

Watch motivational videos

Regularly practice self-discovery and introspection

Say more I love you's (mindfully of course!)

Light up candles with your favorite Scent

Help a Stranger

Vibrational Alignment through MIND PRACTICES

Read books

Practice verbal affirmations 3 X a day

Challenge yourself regularly (solve Puzzles, Subscribe to Murder Mysteries & Crack the Mystery)

Build and Invest in your Personal Brand

Vibrational alignment is not a choice. Keeping your vibrations in check on a daily and nurturing your environment is a must. 20–30 minutes spent doing activities that raise your vibration on a weekday and up to 60 minutes spent on weekends is life-changing. It could be choosing a combination of one of the healing modalities or even spending time in Holistic spaces.

In order to align my vibrational energies, I combine activities such as Breathwork, stretching, and writing blogs to nurture my passion.

Learn about me and why am I obsessed with Healing & Wellness here.



Shaireen Parmar
Shaireen Parmar

Written by Shaireen Parmar

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