Sound Healing: Everything You Need to Know (How it Works & Costs)
Have you been thinking of going into a Sound Healing Session and wondering how it works? or is it worth your time and money?
Through this article, we will explore this alternate healing modality on a deeper level, for you to decide if a sound healing session is worth a try. Sound is innate to us, AUM is the cosmic sound of the universe as mentioned in the Hindu and Buddhist mythologies.
How does it feel to hear the sound of rain while cozied up in bed, the birds chirping in the morning, or the water trickling from fountains? Relaxing? Safe?
This explains why sound healing could have a place to comfort our mind, body, and soul. Let’s delve into the healing power of sound.
This read is meant to help
- Anyone who is looking to sign up for a sound healing session to comfort themselves from stress, anxiety, or emotional trauma or just wants to relax effortlessly.
- Anyone looking to get into Vibrational Alignment.
- Anyone who feels burnt out and needs a break.
Meet the Experts
Gianna, Certified Sound Healing & Yoga Expert
Linda Chambers, Wellness Consultant & Founder of Hybrid-Soul
Innas Halal, Founder of healingvibesdxb
History of Sound Healing
Sound Healing seems like a new wellness trend, but it’s not. Sound is used in various cultures for thousands of years as a means of connection, communication, and even healing. The following describes the multicultural roots of sound as a means for healing and centering ourselves.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.
Sound Healing in Hindu Mythologies discusses how Vedic philosophers in ancient India used chants and monosyllabic words, called mantras to attain vibrational alignment and mental clarity. Conscious chanting of AUM with long inhales and exhales is the right way to do it.
In Greek Mythologies, Apollo the god of music and medicine used a combination of glorious sounds of the world with mystical rituals to heal humans, animals, and even gods. Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zithers to treat digestion issues and mental disturbances in patients.
From Jewish Kabbalists to the Sufis, sound healing has been an important part of the Muslim world. Primarily to achieve spiritual transcendence and healing as a byproduct of the practices.
Shamans around the world, used the repetitive beating of drums to help transcend themselves and the participants to an altered state of consciousness, capable of imparting mental and physical wellbeing.
Hence, the history of sound healing shows us that throughout our thousands of years of cultural existence, sound has been a part of the healing process.
What is Sound Healing?
Sound healing or sound therapy is a healing modality that is a natural, gentle, and non-invasive form of vibrational energy medicine.
Certified sound healers, use different tools (Quartz crystal bowls, Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, or Tuning Forks) to create certain frequencies for healing different parts of the body, and mind, thus helping you to fall into a meditative state or reach altered states of consciousness. It is a meditation session and part listening session where participants lay down with blankets and pillows as the facilitator uses various instruments to create vibrations around them.
Linda Chambers, Founder of Hybrid-soul says sound baths help facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency that the brainwave can tune to. Further, by using rhythm and frequency we can entrain our brainwaves and then it becomes possible to downshift our normal Beta state (normal walking consciousness) to Alpha (relaxed consciousness) and even reach Theta (meditative state) and Delta (sleep, where internal healing can occur), she adds.
The Science Behind Sound Healing
Everything in life is vibration.
It is fascinating to understand what science says about sound healing and that this is not just some woo-woo technique for ultra-spiritual enthusiasts.
The universe consists of vibrations and rhythms, just as our body consists of vibrations, rhythms, and 75% of water. Water is a great conductor of sound vibrations. This can affect your Physical, Emotional, and Mental well-being.
Further, when the body goes through any type of illness such as depression, anxiety, or other body ailments, our body’s natural vibrational state alters. Various instruments are used to create vibrations during a Sound Bath session- “we literally tune the body and mind to the right vibration scale and get the clients back to their right level of vibrations” quotes Inass Halal, a Sound Bath Facilitator and Founder of healingvibesdxb. The vibrations created during the session travel through the body to promote better energy flow, and blood circulation and also provides rejuvenation.
Who is the ideal candidate for the Sound Bath Session?
Dubai-based sound healing expert, Gianna recommends sound bath sessions for everyone who is looking for relaxation of mind, and body to uplift their mood or simply be in a safe space. She provides sound bath sessions to couples, daughters, mothers, pregnant women, a bunch of friends, and even corporate groups. This shows the beauty of sound baths- anyone can experience them when they feel the need to since it is an easier option compared to traditional meditation.
Why you must try a sound healing session? Well, life is pretty stressful these days, and you must take some time to calm down, and rejuvenate.
Sound healing requires less effort and still gives you all the right benefits. You just have to get your mat and lie down, while paying attention to the sounds around you.
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